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Newest Colt Cult Classics

Greetings friends!

While I waited to see the decision of Charlie the Tuna & Candace Cameron (and was disappointed), I filmed some additional Colt Cult Classics. Enjoy!

Encino Man - This 1992 movie is one of Pauly Shore's best movies. For my money, it's better than Jury Duty and BioDome. It also features a very young Brendan Fraser and Sean Astin. Fun fact, both Sean Astin and Johnathan Quan were both in Goonies.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure - This was Pee Wee's first movie! Despite being from 1985, I feel like it has held up well over time. This was also the first film that Tim Burton directed and led to his further work which I'm sure you are very familiar with. This movie has some very fun cameos.

True Lies - Along with "The Last Action Hero," I feel like this is one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's most underrated movies. Supported by the very funny Tom Arnold and Jamie Lee Curtis, this is a great action comedy. The late great Bill Paxton has a great role in the movie and Tia Carrere is quite the villain. Finally, a very young Eliza Dushku does a great job in this movie, and Charleton Heston has a very "Nick Fury" like cameo.

The Rocketeer - This Walt Disney movie is from 1991 and was a pre-superhero superhero movie. It was quite before it's time. It has got quite a few stars in it including Bill Campbell, Jennifer Connelly, Alan Arkin, Ed Lautner, Terry O'Quinn, Clint Howard, Timothy Dalton, and Margo Martindale. This movie was one of Timothy Dalton's first movies after his stint as James Bond and helped him break any sort of cast-typing. I feel like this is one of the few movies that should be remade with today's movie shooting technology.

My Best Friend's Wedding - Compared to the other movies I've reviewed, this one likely sticks out. I generally don't review romantic comedies, but this is an excellent one. From 1997, it features Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, Dermot Mulroney, and Rupert Everett. It also has a very young Paul Giamatti in on of his first significant movie roles. It's a small part, but you'll definitely recognize him.

The Phantom - This 1996 film is another movie that I think should be remade. Starring the highly underrated Billy Zane, it also has Treat Williams, Kristy Swanson, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Another superhero movie before there were good superhero movies, this movie could use an update in CGI. However, I still like it.

Toxic Avenger - This movie has very few redeeming qualities other than how amazingly cheap and bad it is. I can't suggest buying this movie or renting it, but if you have a film in mind as being "This is the worst movie I've seen," then watch the Toxic Avenger and see if you still have that opinion.

Gross Pointe Blank - This John Cusack movie is one of my favorite movies. It has a ton of other stars in it including Driver, Alan Arkin, and Dan Aykroyd. It also features Joan Cusack, Jeremy Piven, Hank Azaria, Mitchell Ryan, Ann Cusack, Michael Cudlitz, and Jenna Elfman. The last two went on to be in The Walking Dead & Fear The Walking Dead. It is a dark comedy and a really fun movie to watch

MC Hammer's Too Legit To Quit - A special review for a very special music video. MC Hammer's Too Legit To Quit is packed with celebrity cameos. It was, at the time, one of the most expensive music videos ever made. It features the late great James Brown as well as James Belushi. You need to treat yourself to the ENTIRE 15-minute video.

Nothing But Trouble - While not everyone is a fan of Chevy Chase, this is one of his more enjoyable movies that aren't in the National Lampoon's Vacation series. It features Dan Aykroyd, Demi Moore, and two late great actors: John Candy & Taylor Negron. Also making a cameo- 2Pac when he was a member of Digital Underground.

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