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Book Recommendations

Greetings friends!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks between NorEasters and my quest to get to IRCE18. However, I wanted to share two delightful books with you written by two great personal friends of mine. They cover two topics that I think you will find very interesting.

Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America

Dr. Emily Dufton is the author of this book, and it covers, as the title suggests, the history of marijuana in the United States. It is a fascinating look at early attempts to legalize this drug, the setbacks it encountered, and the renewed effort. It has received rave reviews for its comprehensive look at the issue. There are plenty of books that go heavy on one side or the other. However, Dr. Dufton takes a very even-handed look laying out all of the histories for you to take in and digest.

I've known Dr. Dufton for quite a while when she was just a fellow adventurer. I am lucky enough to call Emily my friend and am amazingly proud that she wrote this book


I mean, not just anyone can write a book and end up on CNN.

Order her book today and give it a read for yourself!

Is English Changing? (Routledge Guide to Linguistics)

If you are someone who finds the English language fascinating or you do a lot of writing, you are going to want to snag yourself a copy of this book. Written by wordsmith and overall great guy Steve Kleinedler, this takes a very intriguing look on how the English language has changed and continued to evolve. It examines how the language has changed from Old English to Middle English to the English we speak today.

If you have no concept of linguistics, this is a must read and it will give you a good base of knowledge to work from. Steve is a good friend of mine, and he is my go-to source whenever I have a word related question to see if I am using a word correctly and in the right context.

Get a copy today!

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