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AFC Urgent Care Havertown Now Open!

As an adventurer, the chances of me getting hurt or coming down with an illness are higher than most. Unlike a regular check-up, these injuries and illnesses don't let me just pop into my regular doctor's office for an appointment. Sure, I could wait a few days for her to be available, but if I do there's a chance my illness could get worse, or I could hurt myself further. The last thing I want to do is go to an emergency room. It's expensive, and I'll have to wait hours to be seen by someone unless I'm suffering from a life-threatening illness or injury, like a harpoon covered in Ebola sticking out of my chest.

Fortunately, I have a preferred place to go for urgent care, AFC Urgent Care and there is a brand new one opening TODAY in Havertown. AFC Urgent Care Havertown is a great place to go for immediate care. In fact, about 80% of the reasons why people go to the hospital emergency room can easily be taken care of at AFC Urgent Care at a fraction of the cost.

Their state of the art urgent care center also has an x-ray and laboratory onsite. So, if I come down with the flu or strep throat or get thrown from a train, I can swing by here to make sure I don't have any broken bones, and they can confirm if I am sick. They are stocked with all of the medications I need to get better fast, which is very handy, so I don't have to make a second stop at a pharmacy. It's really hard to understate how convenient it is to have them in the area. Besides being available for urgent care, they are also a great place if I need to get a physical or immunizations if I am traveling overseas. Best of all, they accept most major insurances and have self-pay rates if you don't have insurance. If you are an adventurer, you should go to this place.

AFC Urgent Care Havertown is opening a BRAND NEW facility located at 115 W. Eagle Road Havertown, PA 19083. Their urgent care center is between the YMCA and CVS and across the street from TD Bank. The facility is so new; they don't even show up on Google Maps yet. I was lucky enough to swing by their opening night celebration. Inside the center is spotless and is fully equipped to handle a variety of ailments. This facility is one of the nicest you'll visit. It is way better than an emergency room. I also met some of the staff as well as the owner of this location. They are some of the nicest people you'll meet and they are very eager to start providing medical care to those in the Havertown, PA area.

Check out how great this place looks.

So, my friends, when you need immediate care and your regular doctor isn't available, visit the board-certified physicians at AFC Urgent Care Havertown.

Click here to visit their website and read more about their services they offer not only for patients but also for employers in the area. Be sure to like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter.

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