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Injured or ill? Visit AFC Urgent Care

Being an adventurer naturally means you are more often to come down with an illness or an injury. I myself have had many illnesses and injuries. The Duke of The Warehouse is well aware of my climatic battle with my old sensei in the City of Brotherly Love. The problem with becoming ill or injured on an irregular basis, is that it’s very hard to schedule appointments with your primary care provider. Most of the time, you go and see your regular doctor for regular checkups. If unscheduled, it might take days of waiting before there is an opening in their appointment book. This isn’t very handy if have cut yourself in a knife fight on a moving train. Or what if you have sprained or possibly broken your ankle after leaping from a moving train? Are you suppose to wait at the train station for your regular doctor to be available? You might miss the next train to your next adventure. (Trains are actually pretty dangerous for adventurers, but they are crucial in a good story.)

Sure, you could go to the emergency room. However, a visit to most ER’s often involves waiting hours and hours before you are seen by a doctor and then the bill is hefty in terms of Spanish Doubloons. Fortunately, in the Philadelphia metro area there is a one stop medical facility that I can visit without an appointment and without leaving lighter in the wallet. AFC Urgent Care is one of the best and fastest growing Urgent Care franchises in the United States today. When it comes to non life threatening illnesses and injuries, these are the urgent care centers I go to for treatment. Their board-certified physicians provide top notch care and quickly too! I am in and out and can get back to my dinner party so I can steal the map that is vital to solving the mystery of Hungry Steve’s Gold Mine. They are also great for everyday needs like physicals, vaccines, x-rays, and drug screenings. And like I said, you never need an appointment.

If you are in the Philadelphia area, visit my friends at:

If you go, tell them that Colt sent you. You literally won’t get anything more than a strange look, but it’s always funny if that somehow gets back to me.

If you are a world-weary traveler who would like to settle down and help their community by opening their own AFC Urgent Care, let me know! I’ll put you in touch with the right folks who can get you the right information. They won the Zor Award last year from the Franchise Times, so they are definitely a company to watch.

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