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#FirstStar - Dine With A Star

I often enter contests with the hope of winning something fun to show off later. A part in a movie, a nifty iPad, or maybe just some cold hard cash. Well let's be honest, I always want to win cash. However, I came across this contest and it caught my eye. The folks at "Dine With A Star" are having a contest where you make a video talking what celebrity you'd like to have dinner with. If that person says yes, then this organization will make a $10,000 donation to that celebrity's favorite charity. This contest was a no brainer for me. First, I love going out to dinner. Second, I love winning money! Granted, I don't get to spend any of that money, but it is going to a good cause.

Now the next immediate question is, who would I want to have dinner with? Who else but Patrick Stewart? Why you ask? He's awesome! He's kind! He lives life to the fullest! Plus, he supports a lot of great charities that would put $10,000 to good use. This contest is still ongoing. The top 10 videos will get campaigns centered around them. The first celebrity to say yes, wins. So watch this video and then go vote for it.

I filmed this video out in the woods in late fall just before sunset. I mentioned a couple of famous roles Patrick Stewart has portrayed and also his role in the underappreciated movie, Dune. Check out a very young Patrick Stewart in this clip.

Update: My video was selected as one of the top 10 videos. If Patrick Stewart is the first person to say yes, then I'll have dinner with him and his charity gets $10,000. Are you on Twitter? Retweet this tweet I sent. Thanks!

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