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Colt's Critics Corner - Captain America Civil War

I went out and saw the next movie in Marvel's continued quest to take over all superhero movies, Captain America: Civil War.

Overall I thought it was a pretty good movie. The first Avengers is still my favorite, but that might just because it was the very first one. I'm also willing to bet it dripped a bit more of Joss Whedon, and I'm a pretty big fan of his work.

Without giving away any of the plot lines beyond what the trailer reveals, I thought the movie did a very good job at continuing the story of tension between Captain America and Tony Stark. We saw a bit of it here and there in the past two movies, but it certainly came to a head in this edition. The special effects were, as always, pretty spectacular. The twist at the end of the movie was pretty surprising to me as well. I don't read comic books so I don't really have any knowledge of what is "suppose to happen."

My only criticisms of this movie is that they tried to stuff to many people into one movie. I feel a bit shafted that I didn't get to see more of Paul Bettany or Paul Rudd. Hmmm... Conspiracy? And while seeing Spider-Man come in with a set up for his own movie reboot was pretty fun, that also felt a bit... pushed?

I'm not much for four hour movies, but I wouldn't have minded sitting through that one.

Despite it's shortcomings, I give this movie 4 pith helmets out of 5.

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