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Flex Seal - Sprayed Rubber Sealant

You have probably seen Flex Seal commercials on TV all the time. I generally run into them late at night and have always asked myself, “Does that actually work?” I grabbed can of Flex Seal from the warehouse and tested it out for myself. I poked some holes in a container and sealed it up with a single coating. After allowing it to dry for a little bit, I found it had a water proof seal. Available in black, white, and clear, the Flex Seal would do a great job filling cracks in gutters or other outdoor parts of your home. While it’s probably best to give it several coatings, I found that even after one treatment it did a great job at creating a water tight seal.

This video marks the first appearance of “No Fun” Ben. The “No Fun” part of his name is often swapped out depending on the role he plays in the video. I reused Mr. Lid containers from the previous video for the demonstration. This demonstration was also the first video where a good chunk of the video took place outside.

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