The other day I came across a rock. Not shocking. However, this rock had an eye on it. It was staring right at me. I thought this could...

Book Recommendations
Colt recommends to great books for your library:
Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America & Is English Changing

AFC Urgent Care Havertown Now Open!
As an adventurer, the chances of me getting hurt or coming down with an illness are higher than most. Unlike a regular check-up, these...

Manatawny Still Works Bottling Night
This past week I spent a delightful evening at the Manatawny Still Works in Pottstown. No, I wasn't picking up additional bottles of...

Let's See If I Can Get To Chicago
It's 708 miles to Chicago. I'm going to take the train. I'll have a safari vest, a pen, notebook. And I'll be wearing sunglasses. As...

Behind The Scenes - Colt's Crazy Warehouse Sales
This was a dangerous trio. During my time at Taylor Gifts, I made two "Crazy Warehouse Sale" videos with my good friend the Duke of the...

The 12 Days of X-Mas Saga
While working at Taylor Gifts, I put together a 12 Days of Christmas video highlighting various sales we were having on our website. This po

UpCart - A Household Must Have
As you know, I love testing out new products. I used to do it with great fondness during my times at Taylor Gifts. I don't get to do it

Manatawny Still Works
Anyone who has had a passing interest in my videos over the years knows I love Fireball Whisky. However, I always keep an eye out, an ear...

Subterranean Homesick Preemptive Apology
Ladies and gentleman, I have a fantastic music video to share with you. "Subterranean Homesick Preemptive Apology" is a cover of a