Besides conducting interviews and testing out products, I also go on many different adventures. The channel below are videos of all of my adventures. Below the channel are some highlighted collection of adventures. My Colt Cult Classics and Colt Cocktails are not in the channel below, I have those on dedicated channels and pages.
Latest Adventures
The Adventures of Colt Sebastian Taylor
Welcome To Colt Sebastian Taylor's YouTube Channel
Colt Departing (For the most part) YouTube for Rumbl
Colt Sebastian Taylor - Chief Grilling Officer
Green Screen Test Run
I go on many different adventures, but these particular videos are some of my favorites of the years. Some videos were in response to video contests and others were specific requests. Enjoy!
I filmed a series of videos giving out some Christmas Tips that I thought would be helpful. Also in this series is my annual (although so far only) Christmas special. I might do another one, one of these days.
While I'm not much of a cook, I do enjoy cooking every now and again. From time to time I film some of my favorite recipes or a recipe for a contest. So far no one has gotten food poisoning, so that's a good sign.
I love watching movies. The fantastic folks at It's Relevant TV show these videos all over the United States as part of their in-business network. There's a very good chance you'll see one of these videos one of these days.
Another series featured on It's Relevant TV, I attempt to make some cocktails. Most of these drinks feature either Fireball Whisky or delicious spirits from the Manatawny Still Works.
If there is one place to get great health tips, it's from the AFC Urgent Care Blog. Every so often, I decide to film something related to that blog and post it online. They are my go-to urgent care center whenever I suffer a nonlife-threatening illness or injury.
See something in a video you want for yourself?
Many of the items that I've tested out, use, or even appear in my videos can easily be found on Amazon. I consider myself pretty lucky to be have gotten my hands on so much stuff and trying it out first hand. Click around, and I'm sure you'll find it. If not, send me a tweet, and I'll let you know what