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Hi, I'm Colt Sebastian Taylor


If you know me as well as I know me and I know me pretty well, then you know I love going out and interviewing people and testing out products.  This website is a collection of my latest adventures, product testing, and just about anything else that I do.


Have any questions?  Would you like me to interview you? Is there something you think I should test out? Tweet me and let me know! 

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Frequently Asked Questions



What's with the hat and vest?


It's my thing chief. An adventurer needs to have his or her gear and my pith helmet and vest is it. And actually, a vest with this many pockets is actually quite handy. I'm surprised more people don't adopt it. 

Can I send you something and can you film a video testing it out? 


Subject to my availability, you sure can. Several of my product testing videos have been from people sending me things to try out. You can also hire me to conduct interviews. 


What's up with your mailing list?


Join my mailing list and I'll send you a note, up to 3 times a month when there is something new and of interest on the website. This will usually be a new blog post or a new webpage highlighting videos. 


Have you ever tested anything that didn't work?


Just once. And it was such a spectacular failure I didn't even finish the filming.


Hey, I bought something from one of your videos and it broke! I want my refund!


Wait, what? You do know that I don't actually sell anything on here. You should really take that up at the point of purchase. 


Are you even real?


Are any of us real? Boom. Blew. Your. Mind.



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